Samdech Akka Moha Ponhea Chakrei HENG Samrin,
President of the National Assembly of the Kingdom of Cambodia and
President of the 43rd General Assembly of the
ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly
Welcome to the official website of the 43rd General Assembly of ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA), which succeeded the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Organization (AIPO) in 2007. AIPA is an important multilateral regional forum for ASEAN Member Parliaments and Observer Parliaments to meet, discuss, exchange views and best practices, and adopt resolutions to address regional issues to promote cooperation, peace, stability, people-to-people connectivity and friendship within the region and across the world.
Established in 1977 with an annual General Assembly since 1979, AIPA is currently chaired by the Parliament of the Kingdom of Cambodia led by the National Assembly which is honored to host the 43rd General Assembly in Phnom Penh from 20 to 25 November 2022 under the theme “Advancing Together for a Sustainable, Inclusive and Resilient ASEAN”.
We are fortunate to be able to physically host the General Assembly given the recent easing of COVID-19 restrictions with countries reopening their economies.
However, the world faces increasingly unpredictable challenges including armed conflict, disease, energy crises, climate change and natural disasters. Only multilateralism and solidarity can ensure hope, peace, security and shared prosperity. In this spirit, concerted efforts and enhanced cooperation are needed to build a sustainable, inclusive and resilient ASEAN. With parliamentary engagement and diplomacy playing an important role in helping to address these challenges, I urge that we advance together.
The Parliament of Cambodia anticipates fruitful discussions and outcomes from the 43rd AIPA General Assembly. I personally look forward to warmly welcoming all AIPA parliamentary delegations, observers and guests to this historic event in Phnom Penh.
HENG Samrin
President of the National Assembly of the Kingdom of Cambodia
President of the 43rd AIPA General Assembly